State Imams Councils
Home > State Imams Councils > New South Wales
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New South Wales

ANIC aims to preserve mainstream understanding and teachings of Islam In accordance with the Quran and Sunnah, and the traditional understanding of the Muslim scholars.
Activities List
The mission of ANIC is to provide religlous leadership, rulings and services to the Muslim community In Australla by supporting local Islamic organisations, developing Islamic research, educational, social and outreach programs and fostering good relations with other falth communities and the wider Australian society in an effort to promote harmony and cooperation.
Activities List
The mission of ANIC is to provide religlous leadership, rulings and services to the Muslim community In Australla by supporting local Islamic organisations, developing Islamic research, educational, social and outreach programs and fostering good relations with other falth communities and the wider Australian society in an effort to promote harmony and cooperation.
NSW Activity Item
Membership is open to all qualified Imams who are active In the affalrs of the Muslim community. Currentl Council of Imams, I.e. NT and TAS, then you can apply directly to ANIC by completing the online nomination form: eveloping Islamic research, educational, soclal and outreach programs and fostering good relations with other falth communities and the wider Australian society In an effort to promote harmony and cooperation.
NSW Activity Service
To become a member of ANIC you must be a member of the state Council of Imams. In the case where there is no state Council of Imams, I.e. NT and TAS, then you can apply directly to ANIC by completing the online nomination form: eveloping Islamic research, educational, social and outreach programs and fostering good relations with other faith communitles and the wider Australlan soclety In an effort to promote harmony and cooperation.
New South Wales: Registered Imams List
Imam Ahmad Abdo (Chairman)
Imam Abdul Kareem Ibn Abdul Jabbar
Imam Abdul Naseem
Imam Abdullah Chaabou
Imam Abdullah Salik
Imam Abdulrahman Mohammad
Imam Abdulsalam Zoud
Imam Abdurrahman Asaroglu
Imam Ahmad Baba
Imam Ahmad Nassar
Imam Ahmed Mahmoud
Imam Alaa Alddin
Imam Amin Hady
Imam Amjad Iqbal
Imam Anas Burhan
Imam Anas Yaghmour
Imam Aref Chaker
Imam Arif Taufiq bin Tazar Quran
Imam Assadullah Tarek
Imam Ayman Malas
Imam Bassem Zaini
Imam Bilal Dabboussi
Imam Yusuf Ahmed
Imam Maher Roumleh
Imam Hassan Zeldan
Imam Mohamed Abdelzaher Elhennawi
Imam Chalidin Yacob
Imam Dawoud Saleh
Imam Fadi Baba
Imam Farhan Khalil
Imam Fawaz Kamaz
Imam Hassan Elsetohy
Imam Ibrahim Abdullah
Imam Ibrahim Abu Mohamad (The Grand Mufti of Australia)
Imam Ibrahim Dadoun
Imam Ibrahim Ghazal
Imam Jalal Chami
Imam Jamal-Ud-Din El-Kiki
Imam Jamil El-biza
Imam Joe Tang
Imam Kamal Saad Abouelenein
Imam Kamal Taleb
Imam Kerim Pala
Imam Khaled Taleb
Imam Louay Abdulbaki
Imam Mahmoud Alazhari
Imam Mohamed Khamis
Imam Mohammad Abu Hurayra
Imam Izza Rohman
Imam Abdulbased Mohamed
Br Muhammad Al-ZoubiF
Br Ismail Sirdah
Br Mahmoud Amin
Br Nadeem Iskandar
Imam Mohammad Anas Nadwi
Imam Nabeel Succarie
Imam Omar Elbanna
Imam Omar Elghaz
Imam Omar Haboush
Imam Omran Zreika
Imam Rameh Zoud
Imam Riedwaan Raffie
Imam Shabbir Ahmad
Imam Shadi Alsuleiman (ANIC President)
Imam Shaifurrokhman Mahfudz
Imam Shamim Rahman
Imam Taha Zeinab
Imam Tarek Elbikae
Imam Wessam Charkawi
Imam Yahya Safi
Imam Yasir Hafiz Ismail
Imam Youssef Hassan
Imam Zohier Issa
Imam Rami Alsharawneh
Imam Tahar Mechraoui
Shaykhah Basmah Al Hably
Shaykhah Umm Jamaal ud-Din Mouna Parkin
Imam Muhammad Anas Arore
Imam Sami Portelli
Imam Nazeh Maskalah
Imam Abu Ubaidah al-Jarrah
Imam Muhammad Ziyad Alkhalidi
Imam Abdullah Al Mamun